Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics
Time Magnification

Our video "Vom Herzschlag zum Quantensprung" ("From the Heart Beat to the Quantum Leap") made it.
The jury of the competition "Fast Forward Science 2013" selected our animation of ultrashort time intervals edited in a popular scientific way winner in the category "Pro" for researchers. Part of the joint venture were Ferenc Krausz, Christian Hackenberger, Thorsten Naeser and WoogieWorks animation studio. The animation is a journey from the macrocosm to the quantum world showing how time intervals must be increasingly prolonged when one wants to observe extremely fast processes such as the movement of electrons. The team will receive the prize in Karlsruhe on 12 November.
Client: Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics
Purpose: website, presentations, training course, public relations work
Year of production: 2013
"Herzlichen Dank zu diesem tollen Erfolg, ich bin sehr stolz auf Euch und fühle mich privilegiert, Euch als Kollegen bzw. engsten Kooperationspartner haben zu dürfen!"
Ferenc Krausz